Download ExamX

By downloading ExamX, you're making a strong statement for your future. Our modern exam environment offers you security, fairness, and a pathway to success – with no compromises.

Download ExamX Client
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Minimum System Requirements

How to Install ExamX

Click the download button to launch the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions – it’s simple and intuitive. A desktop shortcut will be automatically created for easy access.

Why Choose ExamX?

ExamX prepares you for the exam world of tomorrow. Our platform ensures that cheating is impossible while providing a user-friendly interface that won’t overwhelm you. Experience modern technology that revolutionizes your exam day and gives you a competitive edge.

How to Use ExamX

Once you start the application, ExamX runs essential checks in the background to ensure a secure and compliant exam environment (such as VM and RDP checks). Before each exam, you must log in using your credentials provided by your school and enter the exam code given by your teacher.

Your school or institution will have already created your account, and login details should have been sent to your institutional email, including a link to reset your password. It is recommended that you set your own password as soon as possible.

You can change your password at any time. However, if you forget your password, you must contact your teacher or the institution’s ExamX administrator to reset it.